Labels:box | bulletin board | crt screen | daily | monitor | reckoner | sky OCR: arkl5:4 And stta ightway the Juda, and Simon? and not his sisters here damsel arose and walked: for she with us? And they were offended at him was [of the age] of twelve years. Markl6 :4 But Jesus said unto them. prophet And they were astonished with Sreat S not without honour, but T his OWn country astonishment and among his OWT kin and T his OWT Markl5:43 And he charged them stra itly that house no man should know and commanded that Markl6 :5 And he there do no m ighty something should be given her to eat Work save that he laid his hands upon few Markl6:1 And he Went tno from thence and sick folk. and healed [them] came into his OWT countrY: and his diciples Mark16:6 And he marveller because of their follow him. unbelief And he went round the vilages Markl6:2 And when the sabbath day was ...